Wednesday, March 26, 2008


it's funny how I can feel two very different feelings about the same thing at the same time.

how something can cause my heart to rise and fall at the same time

how my heart ends up getting torn because it's moving in two directions at once

how half of my face wants to smile, while the other half wants bury itself so that no one can see

how I am so happy for someone, yet when I turn away, I cringe

how I want to forget, but I treasure those memories

how I wish I never knew how it felt, yet I realize that knowing made me better person

how I really want to speak, yet I really don't want to, because I shouldn't

how part of me wants to hold on forever, but at times I wished I never grasped at it the first place


-Megan J W- March 28, 2008 at 4:14 AM  

hmm....crazy bipolar feelings

sorry about those

if you ever need/want someone to talk to about anything, i am always a phone call away and you know i would be more than happy to give a listening ear ;-)

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